About Us

We are dedicated to provided an event inclusive of all our community, without regard to their sexuality, race, religion, or background. We strive to create a better community, and we thank all of you for helping us to achieve that.

Pride events traditionally are held in celebration of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans community but in recent years have become celebrations of unity. We celebrate Pride to  thank every single person in the short history of gay rights for their personal sacrifices and their fight that has brought us to where we are today and Worksop Pride is a celebration of this.

We were founded in 2016 by Crystal Lucas, as a child she grew up in Worksop. Crystal started her Worksop Pride activities by donating all her time, resources and drive to a project that was very hard to get of the ground. Since the success of the first Worksop Pride, her activities have grown, prospered and expanded. She continues to dedicate her time to empowering and advocating for the LGBT+ community and providing a safe family friendly event for all the community to enjoy.

In 2017, Worksop Pride formalised as Community Interest Company.

We are now fortunate that Crystal is organising our 7th Worksop Pride event, on the 13th of July 2024.
